thomas maltbie
Sixth Grade students at South Ripley Elementary are casting glass. They make a clay model, invest it in a mold made of silica/plaster mix, and clean the mold. I take the molds to my studio and cast using Spectrum System 96 scraps. The students then demold and clean the pieces.
Clay models in progress
Investment mix (50% Tufcal plaster and 50% silica) poured over clay models
Molds are flipped over and the clay removed. Molds are then cleaned to remove any clay residue.
Molds and glass before and after firing (above) and two finished pieces (below).
Architectural Glass Art
and Louisville Glassworks
Casting Workshops Glass Art Society
St louis June 06
Warm Glass Conference
Arrowmont Sept 06
My Works So Far
thom maltbie - - dillsboro, indiana 47018